Popular types of beads.

Today beads and beading are at the peak of their popularity. More and more women want to  make beaded jewelry, which of course will be unique. This article is written for beginners, who don’t know much about beading and making beads. So,If you want to gain some information about beads, find out new types of beads, this article will be very useful for you.

If you are looking forward to making your own beaded jewelry and are wondering how to  start, here is a small guide to the world of beads:

seed beads

* Seed beads:These are small beads which are capable of producing a detailed design.


* Metal beads:  Gold, silver,  platinum or bronze-plated beads are best chosen for lending a metallic shimmer to your bead jewelry. If you use them in your beaded bracelet, you will see that the result will be amazing.


* Cut beads: These are a bit bigger sized beads, which can  be used for sewed on using a sinew.

pony beads

* Pony beads: These are much like the seed beads, but a bit bigger in size. Jewelry made with these beads can be very detailed, and of course very beautiful. Continue reading Popular types of beads.

Making beautiful beaded bracelet…

Hello everyone. Today I shall explain to you how to make beautiful beaded bracelet.  Our goal is to make a beaded bracelet just like you can see in the picture above.

We can use different types of beads here.  For example I decided to make my beaded bracelet with the use of bugle beads and ordinary rounded beads.

Continue reading Making beautiful beaded bracelet…

Beaded Golden Fish

Hello everyone. Today we are going to make  beaded Golden Fish, just like you see at the picture.Some may think that its very hard to do it but I will say that such golden fish can be made by anyone.

So, lets start our work. We will need for our work:

1. Glass for cognac( like you can see at the photo)

2 .Beads(red,green and golden)

3. Scissors

4. Some glue

5. Wire

6.   2  plastic circles( more info you can find in post)

Thats All tools that we will need in todays lesson. Lets start working..

Continue reading Beaded Golden Fish

Bugle Beads

Bugle Beads-one of the types of beads, that is most popular nowadays. It is made by cutting tubes.  Such beads,that have length from 4 cm to 30 cm are called Bugle Beads.

If the tubes are cutted with some angle. Thats why they become too sharp. My advise will be to interleave such sharp beads with ordinary rounded beads.

One of the most good quality if bugle beads isBright shine in reflected light. Thats why nowadays more and more people decorate their clothes with bugle beads.

Continue reading Bugle Beads

Beading Needles

Hello everyone. Our today’s topic is how to choose perfect beading needle for your beadwork. As you already know, beads differ from each other by type and size. So, before you choose your beading needle, decide what beads are required for your project.

If you are using small beads (for example you are making a beaded tree or something like that) the best choice will be one of the smallest beading needles. You can see it at the picture:

Continue reading Beading Needles